there is a period in all of our lives that we wish we could erase - when we didnt know how to act, dress, socialize, etc. we typically consider these to be some of the more painful years of lives, as we typically look back and scoff at how we looked.
the photos representing these years are invaluable, as they represent us at our most awkward moments, desperately trying to figure out who we are, what we should be.
we all have the photos, and we all hide them (whether it be when showing off family photos, or when having "look at me when!" moments). on the flip side, we are always intrigued to see the awkward photos of others, just as a joyful way of looking at the person they have become.
so lets all share.
lets celebrate those moments when we didn't know that leggings were a bad idea. when we didn't have any idea that our cute new haircut was actually an afro. when our teeth looked like they were struggling to get away from our faces.
time to celebrate the awkward phase.